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Please read these terms and conditions carefully, as they set out our and your legal rights and obligations in relation to services offered by Webkul

The Services

  1. Deliver a custom or template conversion design service as per the specifications submitted by the customer.
  2. Keep the customer informed on the progress and development of the project within the timescales agreed between Webkul and the customer.
  3. Provide the customer with access to a demo server during the delivery and acceptance phase
  4. Make any modifications to the design as outlined in the delivery and acceptance criteria as noted below.
  5. Prepare and release the design to be installed by the customer.

Delivery and acceptance

Webkul will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver the project to the customer for acceptance testing on or before the agreed delivery date. During the acceptance period, the customer will carry out acceptance tests via an online demo server to determine:

  • The design conforms in all material respects with the original specification as outlined in the customers Proposal / specification document
  • Whether the design has any Defects.

If the design does not meet the above acceptance criteria the customer will send to Webkul a written notice via email within 7 days setting out in detail the respect(s) in which the design does not meet the acceptance criteria.

Webkul will then complete the following steps.

  • Webkul will review the customer’s feedback in conjunction with the original design specifications in relation to the defects and will modify the design so that it meets the acceptance criteria within a time frame to be agreed with the customer.
  • The design will be deemed to have been accepted by the customer if the customer does not give any notice of defects during the delivery and acceptance period or the customer publishes the design after the design is released to the customer by Webkul

Charges and payment

Webkul will not charge more than the amount previously agreed unless the customer has varied the specifications of the work since the agreement. Webkul will not undertake changes to the specifications of the work which would increase the cost, without prior written authorisation from the customer.

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Uzun Süreli Satıcılar


Tüm ürünler 13

Bellezza Zilvers M Caglicetinkaya

From Afghanistan

Tüm ürünler 108

Perlecom Lünen

From Afghanistan

Tüm ürünler 5

Mali Shop

From Afghanistan

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Yeni gelenler

38/40/54/56/58/60 bedenlerde mevcut..



Sis.germany bisa oruc

From Afghanistan

Yüksek oranda besin lifi içermesi ve bu sayede başta kabızlık olmak üzere çeşitli sindirim sorunlarına, cilde ve sinir sistemine iyi gelmesi gibi çok sayıda yararı bulunan incir aynı zamanda lezzetli bir yiyecektir.  Tesislerdeki işlemlerin dışında incirin en sağlıklı şekilde kurutulduğu yöntem geleneksel halidir. Bu yöntemde incir, koparılmadan ağacın başında burkulur. Ağacın özsuyu ile ilişiği kesilen bu incirler yedi gün sonra suyunu hayli kaybetmiş, yarı kurumuş şekilde ağacın dibine düşer. Düşen incir toplanır, birkaç gün güneşin altındaki sergilerde bırakılır. ..




From Afghanistan

52/52/54 bedenlerde mevcut..



Sis.germany bisa oruc

From Afghanistan

Inhalt: 100% Johannisbrotsirup ohne künstliche Zusätze. Vitamin D, B, B1 , B2 , Beta Carotin, Magnesium, Eisen und Kalium heilende Wirkung bei Erkältungskrankheiten zur Stärkung des Immunsystems Johannisbrotsirup (Pekmez) wird in der Türkei noch in vielen Haushalten traditionell hergestellt. Dabei kocht man den Saft aus den gepressten Hülsenfrüchten auf und mischt eine kalkhaltige Erde unter. Während des Kochvorgangs wird der Saft zunehmend dickflüssiger und der natürliche Fruchtzucker karamellisiert. Nachdem man den sauren Schaum abgeschöpft hat und die kalkige Erde sich abgesetzt hat, wird der Pekmez ausgeruht und abgekühlt. Abgesehen von den geschmacklichen Faktoren, ist Johannisbrotsirup ein bekanntes Naturheilmittel und Antioxidans. Besonders in ländlichen Regionen setzt man auf Ihre heilende Wirkung bei Erkältungskrankheiten und zur Stärkung des Immunsystems. Johannisbrot Sirup kann Reizungen des Atem und Verdauungstraktes reduzieren. Außerdem kann es die Fruchtbarkeit des Mannes bei Fertilitätsstörungen fördern. Dabei entspricht eine Tagesdosis vier bis sechs Esslöffeln. Johannisbrot Sirup ist eine ideale Quelle für Vitamine und Mineralstoffe wie Vitamin D, B, B1 , B2 , Beta Carotin, Magnesium, Eisen und Kalium. Wir empfehlen Ihnen unseren Johannisbrotsirup mit Tahin zu mischen und als Brotaufstrich zu verzehren.. ..




From Afghanistan

38/40/42 bedenlerde mevcut..



Sis.germany bisa oruc

From Afghanistan